Heavy Duty Triangular file

Model No.392230
Material: made of high quality high carbon tooling steel.
Treatment: heat-treated and hardened, and sand blasting finish.
Style: single cutting teeth.
Quality grade: high.

Quality Heavy Duty Triangular Steel File

Made of high quality high carbon tooling steel, heat-treated and hardened, sand blasting finish, at good quality, to mill triangular steel parts for professional use

Art No.SpecificationCutting teethType
3922344 inchSingle
Bastard  /  Second /  Smooth
3922355 inchSingle
Bastard  /  Second /  Smooth
3922366 inchSingleBastard  /  Second /  Smooth
3922377 inchSingle
Bastard  /  Second /  Smooth
3922388 inchSingleBastard  /  Second /  Smooth

For more information, please contact or write us. Welcome to order and inquiry.




Contact: Carson Ktang

Phone: 008613567449739

E-mail: info@herovas.com

Add: 7-28 No.598 JiangNan Road, High Tech Zone, Ningbo 315040, China

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